Dear Daddy, you are often in my thoughts, Mummy too, and of course especially around now, your 7th anniversary. Love and miss you so much. Kathryn xxxx
9th January 2021
Dear Daddy. Is it really 5 years since we said goodbye and you were spared the pain? I wish I could have made Health get it more controlled before you died.
Jake and I have been very brave since then and I hope you are looking down on us and feeling proud of what we have achieved since then. Mummy too did well on her own until her death 2 years ago. That would have been such a relief to you as I know you were very worried about her being left without you. Love and miss you Daddy - but now Mummy will be back with you. That’s a comfort. Lots of love Kathryn xxxx
6th January 2019
Thank you for setting up this memorial to Jimmy.
We hope that you find it a positive experience developing the site and that it becomes a place of comfort and inspiration for you to visit whenever you want or need to.
Sent by Pancreatic Cancer Action on 19/12/2014